Medivet Vets Issue Warning As Heatstroke Case Reported

Medivet’s North London’s veterinary team are urging pet owners to be highly vigilant during this week’s high temperatures after a dog lost its life as a result of severe heatstroke.

dog shading from sun

After admission, the Medivet Hampstead Garden Suburb team, led by branch partner Sarah Furminger, worked hard to bring the dog’s temperature down – hosing down his body with cool water. He was also put on a drip to administer much-needed fluids.

Recognising that it would require a plasma transfusion to allow his blood to clot properly, he was rushed to the nearest emergency hospital - Medivet 24 Hour Hendon. Following the plasma transfusion, it was placed in critical care overnight with one-on-one nursing support but unfortunately died 24 hours later.

Veterinary Surgeon and Medivet Hampstead Garden Suburb Branch Partner Sarah Furminger said: “Unfortunately, owners do not always realise that their dogs are suffering from heatstroke as one of the main symptoms is heavy panting. If owners do suspect heatstroke, it is critical that they act quickly and seek advice immediately to give their pets the best chance of survival.”

Lead Veterinary Surgeon at Medivet 24 Hour Hendon Jerry Dunne added: "While any dog can suffer heatstroke, breeds with thick fur, short noses and those with pre-existing medical conditions, such as obesity, are at a higher risk. Similarly, extremely active or working dogs are more susceptible and should be watched carefully during this period of unusually hot weather.”

The symptoms of heatstroke in dogs include:

  • Excessive panting and/or thirst
  • Barking or whining
  • Very red gums
  • Drooling more than usual
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Lethargy, staggering, weakness or collapsing
  • Vomiting or diarrhoea

If owners spot any of these signs, emergency treatment is required straight away.

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